
Christina’s approach is both empathetic and empowering. Her goal is to unleash the uniqueness in a child, and her structured approach with SRSD enables her student to internalize a mantra of success. She brings a warm, positive energy and ability to believe in and perceive my son’s voice and gifts. She has shown us her own gift for helping him evolve from negative self-talk to positive self-talk. The cooperative way in which she teaches has bolstered my son’s self-initiative, self-confidence and self-mastery in his writing. As my son put it, “Christina has been really helpful. Even when you’re in a bad mood, she can turn it around.” As a parent, I have deeply appreciated her partnership in helping my son express himself and evolve as a whole person.

— 8th grade parent

Christina questions the norms and status quo in many educational arenas. Christina views education as a holistic process and believes learning is a pulse that lives beyond the walls of the classroom.

— Christine T, ELA team leader & Mentor, Kinsella High

Christina knows just how to deeply support students understanding of ELA content through creative means. She takes texts, asks students to act them out and internalize not only their deeper meaning but their syntax as well. She is able to consistently build relationships with students and families to ensure high academic success. She leads with her heart and follows her gut, always doing what's right for students.

— David S, History Educator, & Colleague

Christina is articulate, cheerful, generous, dependable and driven. She handles any challenges with students with thoughtfulness and good humor. She knows just what to say to a student who needs a little assurance, and also a student who needs a push to rise to her full potential.

— Lisa H, Newton South High, Head Coach & Math Team Leader

Some time has passed since Christina departed from our community to continue her graduate work. However, what she established in terms of student voice, arts integration, and high level collaboration can still be felt today in our community

— Ken O, Principal of Kinsella performing arts H.S.

Christina taught me that my words are powerful. Her pushing me kept me going and drastically improved my reading, writing, revising, and editing skills. She is authentic, truthful, and always focused on students.

— Tiana.C, Student